365 Days. 365 Words.

Baby kicks, a growing belly, anxiety, excitement, joy.

Bunk beds. Laughter. Late night whispering. A front row seat to watching our kids become best friends.

Broken crayons. Cut up paper. Uncapped markers. Hours upon hours. Art we’re proud of.

Cross country trips every 12 weeks to Southern California. Doctors appointments, bloodwork, and beach days. Denaturing milk, separating eggs, washing, drying, crushing, and measuring out minuscule amounts of dozens of nuts and seeds. Food acting as medicine. A daily regimen for the intensive food allergy treatment program that’s going to change our 4 year old’s life.

Three special words. One unforgettable moment. “It’s a BOY!”, my husband shouts as a slippery little dark haired baby, our last baby, is placed on my chest. 

Witnessing our kids meet their new baby brother for the first time. This must be what people refer to as a “core memory.”

The bittersweet feeling of knowing in my heart that our family is complete.

A surprise summer tornado. Just long enough to send tennis ball sized hail through our house, our fence, our roof. Just long enough to render us without power for a weekend… one week after having a baby. Just long enough, and just bad enough, to wreak havoc. 

A dark quiet living room. Hot coffee. The pitter patter of rain on our new roof. A warm scrunchy newborn curled up on my chest. That intoxicating newborn scent (IYKYK) wafting into my nose and feather soft hair tickling my chin. My favorite part of the day.

Pump. Feed. Wash. Repeat. Again and again.

The first day of preschool. Time please slow down

T-ball, swim lessons, soccer, gymnastics, preschool pick-up and drop-off. Errands. A baby who can’t stand the car. 

Somebody always screaming, crying, laughing. Musical toys. Fighting. Running. Toys everywhere. Overstimulated, touched out, burned out.

Mom guilt. Brain fog. Overwhelmed with meeting the needs of 3 kids 4 and under. Constantly feeling too divided. Stretched too thin. Like there’s never enough of me to go around. 

Birthday parties, Halloween costumes. Easter egg hunts. Christmas morning. Nothing better than seeing the magic through their eyes.

Another year gone even faster than the last. I really hope I remember it all.

This post is part of a blog hop with Exhale—an online community of women pursuing creativity alongside motherhood, led by the writing team behind Coffee + Crumbs. Click here to view the next post in the series "365 Words".


For the Love of Art