Visit 1: Part 2—Launch

The week of Launch was full of important doctor’s appointments and quite frankly, a lot of stress. But we want California to be something we all look forward to, especially Luca. So in between his appointments we did all sorts of fun stuff and had a blast creating memories together. 

Traveling across the country with two little ones, one with severe food allergies, was not something we most likely would have attempted at this point in our lives. In fact, If you were to tell me 3 years ago that we would be flying with our kids every couple months, I would never have believed it. The logistics of taking a 1 year old and a 3 year old on an airplane with all of their stuff requires a lot of planning in itself, but traveling with food allergies presents a whole other set of challenges.

When Luca was a baby I wondered how we would ever feel comfortable flying with him. The thought of being thousands of feet in the air, while the flight attendants handed out little bags of nuts to all the passengers, had me committing to taking road trips for the rest of our lives. This program is forcing us out of our comfort zone and something that once seemed so unattainable is quickly becoming part of our regular routine. With each trip we take, it gets a little bit easier. And while it is a lot, I am grateful for these new opportunities our family gets to experience.

Since we would be in California for a full week we decided to bring Gia. We will take advantage of any opportunity we have to make these trips fun for our entire family. Luckily for us, my mom offered to come with us to help out and it made things so much easier! She was an extra set of hands in the crowded airport, helped me cook meals, and was able to watch Gia while Gabe and I took Luca to his appointments. There was a lot of information to take in and it was good we were both able to pay attention, ask questions, and focus on Luca during that time.

We thought that since both kids would be with us, and we were so close to the happiest place on earth, how could we not go? We spent a day at each Disney park. We rode all the iconic rides, like Dumbo and the big Mickey Ferris Wheel, walked miles and miles and miles in the heat, and met Luca’s idol—Lightning McQueen. Disney California Adventure has Cars Land, which looks just like a real life version of Radiator Springs. When Gabe and I first learned that Cars Land existed, we talked about how fun it would be to take Luca, in that, we would love to take him, but we’ll never do it because it’s too far and food allergies are too scary and hard, sort of way. But despite all the worries we have had about traveling with food allergies, the trip went so well.

Gia was mesmerized by all the lights and music on the rides. It’s a Small World had to be her favorite. Luca was absolutely starstruck when he got his picture taken with Lightning McQueen and while walking through Cars Land, I heard him mumble under his breath, “this place is so amazing.” They loved it. And I think we loved it more, simply because watching them experience such magic was something I don’t think I will ever forget. It was just really special and I already can’t wait to go back with them. 

During this week, we also took Luca to his first movie in a movie theater, which he loved. We visited The Aquarium of the Pacific, and ended up buying a membership since we’ll be out there so much. We ate at Noble Bird, the one and only restaurant that we feel comfortable letting Luca eat at. We even met the owner who also has kids in SoCal’s program. The restaurant is careful and adorable and delicious. Turns out, the owner has a separate chain of restaurants as well and thanks to grandma, mom and dad got to sneak away one night for beer and appetizers! Southern California also has a bakery that is completely free of the top allergens and Luca picked out a giant box of cupcakes, cake pops, frosted sugar cookies, doughnut holes, and gummy candies—which was such a special treat for him. In between all the fun, we had a low-key day of swimming at our Air BnB’s pool and playing at the playground there.

A trip to Cali wouldn’t be complete without the beach. We spent a couple days on Laguna Beach and Pirate’s Cove Beach. The beaches were stunning. The water was ice cold, the sun hot, and the breeze perfect. Our kids love the beach. As a family, we could spend hours on the hot sand relaxing. And we did. We played in the sand, ran into the waves, and walked along the shore of the Pacific looking for seashells and sand crabs. As we drove along Highway 1 and through the Laguna Canyons, we were all in awe. I wish I could capture the beauty in photos, and I certainly did try, but photos just don’t do it justice. I can’t wait to explore more. 

We ended each and every day completely and utterly exhausted, but with happy hearts and a full camera reel. Our life with food allergies is challenging, complicated, and even downright heartbreaking at times. But through SoCal’s treatment program, we’ve been given a unique kind of gift. We have all these opportunities to travel and explore with our kids and I’m really determined to make the most of it. 

Visit 2—we’re coming for ya!


Visit 2


Visit 1: Part 1—Launch