Visit 8
We were recently in California for visit 8 of Luca’s food allergy treatment with The Food Allergy Institute and it was a very successful visit!
Luca did great with his treatment foods this past cycle, but had such a difficult time with illness. He had been sick so frequently that we had to skip so many days of treatment and unfortunately had to reschedule this appointment. It was a bit of a logistical nightmare, but miraculously we were able to reschedule all his appointments and our travel plans for the next week, so it hasn’t put us too far behind.
We have been working with pulmonology to get Luca to a healthy respiratory baseline and honestly, it’s been an uphill battle this year. Unfortunately, it’s just been a bit of trial and error with medications and treatments but I think we are getting better at managing his symptoms and I can only hope things improve soon.
Respiratory problems aside, Luca is killing it with all his foods! This past visit, he passed chestnut and pistachio food challenges. Pistachio is his first anaphylactic allergen that we treated and both these foods got moved to his morning maintenance. They are capped, meaning he can only have a set amount each day, but eventually they will be uncapped and he will be able to freely eat them in any amount, just like he can do with most of his other maintenance foods.
Luca escalated his peanut dose and by the end of this current cycle, he should be safe from cross contact! This doesn’t mean he can freely eat any amount of peanut yet, in fact he is still treating very tiny amounts, but getting to cross contamination is a HUGE step. He will be so much safer than he used to be which is especially important with him starting Kindergarten in the fall.
After passing his food challenges, Luca introduced uncooked cow’s milk. This is the last step to treating his milk allergy and we are so excited for ice cream, pizza, and CHEESE. I can’t wait for the day I can make a lasagna! Luca also introduced cashew, another anaphylactic allergy for him. This was the very LAST food he had to introduce. He will hopefully pass his milk challenge next visit, and then he will just continue escalating the amount of peanut and cashew until he “graduates” from the program.
In between all Luca’s appointments we made sure to visit the beach, Noble Bird, In N’ Out, and Luca’s very favorite toy store! Next visit is just a single appointment so trips from here on out should be really short.
Luca is getting so close to the end of the program and I couldn’t be prouder of him (and us)! This has been such a journey.
Visit 9, we’re coming for you soon!